Group Package
Briyani & Tomato Rice Package (Set Meal for 5 Pax)
Free Delivery for orders valued RM200.00 and above. Orders must be placed at least 3 hours for orders up to 25 pax and 24 hours for orders above 25 pax.
Group Lunch (Set Meal for 5 Pax)
Free delivery for orders valued RM200 and above. Orders must be placed at least 3 hours for up to 25 pax and 24 hours for orders of 25 pax and above.
Makan-makan di Ofis / Birthday Party
Free delivery for orders valued above RM200.00. Orders must be placed 3 hours for up to 25 pax and 24 hours for orders above 25 pax.
Infaq/Majlis Tahlil Menu Set (Meal for 5 pax)
Free delivery for orders valued RM200.00 and above. Orders must be placed 3 hours for orders of up to 25 pax and 24 hours for orders above 25 pax.
Board Meeting (Set Meal for 5 pax)
Free Delivery for orders valued RM200.00 and above. Orders must be placed 3 hours for orders up to 25 pax and 24 hours for orders above 25 pax